Other Wichita Lawn Services
Shrub Trimming
- Hedge trimming
- Light tree pruning
- Ornamental grass trimming (pampas grass, fountain grass, etc.)
This service is pretty self-explanatory the basic rule of thumb is that most plant material is best pruned after
bloom or if in the case of non-blooming plants or shrubs it is better done in the fall after a good freeze (28
degrees or so). Other plants have better times to be pruned and I am well versed in these times for Kansas.
- Allows water and fertilizers to pass into the root zone
- Loosens compacted soils
- Increases oxygen supply to plant
- Promotes deeper root growth
Areating should be done at least once every other year and if your lawn is highly trafficked I would recommend
yearly aeration. This process begins by using a specialized machine with hollow metal teeth. These teeth penetrate
the soil about 3-4 inches, thus removing a core of dirt. By opening up the lawn it allows water, nutrients, and
most importantly oxygen to get to the root zone. I feel that aeration is one of the best things that you can do for
your lawn.
- Aeration
- Verti-cutting (a specialized machine that cuts slits into the lawn so that the seed has someplace to go to
keep it from washing away)
- Seed (I use only Kansas Premium Blend Fescue)
- New lawn starter (fertilizer)
Overseeding is very important here in Kansas, as a typical lawn will lose up 10% of plans each season. If the
bare spots are not replaces with new grass plants then they will be replaced by something…usually weeds. A nice
thick lawn is the best way to keep weeds and disease from your property.
Please call to schedule a service or get an
opinion 685-1794.